Plantations (Roadside/Clusters)
New roads in Lahore were handed over to PHA with barren or damaged greenery. All have been made green and filled with a systematic plantation like Main Boulevard, Park Lane, Jail Road, Ferozpur Road, G.T. Road, Ghazi Road, Tripple Road and Shadbagh, Access Road (New Airport).
Special Projects
At numerous places of Lahore City, China lights (Model & Specification as per High rise ornamental lights at Tinammen Square Beijing China) have been installed by PHA.
New Parks
Other than the activities mentioned above PHA also manages and maintains more than 500 Parks within the city and has also developed the following new Parks under a short span of time.
Saint Mary Park (Main Boulevard Gulberg)
Tollinton Park (Opposite Home Economics College)
Almadad Park (Behind Timber Market)
Data Darbar Park
Wassan Pura Scheme No. II Park (Misri Shah)
Triangular Park (Chungi Amar Sidhu).
Gazi Ilm Din Shaheed Park. (Lytton Road).
Shah Chirah Chamber (Park).
Night Scapes
Spot-lighting Date-Palm Trees at Main Boulevard
Trees - Linear Lighting at Mall Road
Rings around Mall Road Trees opposite P.C. Hotel
Kim's Gun
Liberty Parking Area Park
Liberty Park facing main Road
Kalma Chowk monument
Chauburji monument
Assembly Hall area & Building
Summit Minar
Shadman Market Park
Roundabouts / Planters
Triangles at PMG
Queen Victoria site
Planters at Ferozepur Road Canal Bridge
Saint Mary's Park
Floral Courts (Gulberg)
Wasanpura Park
Data Darbar Park
Play court ( Mohni Road)
Saint Mary's Park
AREA: 13.75 Acres
Cost of the project: Rs.75 Lakhs
Name of the Company: Landscape Club
Work started on: 1 Feb 99
National Bank of Pakistan: Rs.1 Crore
Floral Courts Gulberg
AREA: 6-Kanals
Cost of the Project: Rs. 3.5 million (including coverage of two drains.)
Name of the Company: Kamran Consultants Financing:
9-Shops to be rented out by Projects Committee.
Darbar Park
AREA: 8-Kanals
Cost of the Project: Rs. 2.7 million
Name of the Company: Horti Group
Financing: Auqaf Department to reimburse the PHA
Wasanpura Park Project
AREA: 16-Kanals
Cost of the Project: Rs.3.64 million
Name of the Co: Asian Consulting Engineers
Financing PHA
Play Court At Mohni Road
AREA: 16-Kanals
Cost of the Project: Rs.3.64 million
Name of the Co: Asian Consulting Engineers
Financing PHA