In September 1998, the Parks and Horticultural Authority’s was established by merging the horticulture wing of the Lahore Development Authority and Metropolitan Corporation, Lahore. Horticulture had suffered badly due to the extensive roads rehabilitation project in the city, and the need was felt for a specialized organization to meet the challenge. PHA was assigned the task to make up for the loss of trees and green belts, and furthermore, to five impetus to the city’s beautification in the best of its green tradition.
Since its creation, the PHA has conducted its activities with great imagination, zeal and commitment. A distinct and pleasant change has come about in Lahore in these past few years. And while it has been the result of a multi-pronged effort also involving the improvement of roads, street lights and traffic management, for almost six years, PHA has played a key role in this positive transformation, working on many fronts.
Other than its functional success, the PHA has proved to be a trendsetter in financial terms as well. In 1998, the total revenue for outdoor advertisement generated by LDA and MCL was Rs. 12.5 million. In a shorts period of less than six years, the marketing wing of the Authority has raised figure to Rs. 160 million. It has introduced modem concepts like the Government-Private partnership for public services of the horticulture staff that come their parent civic agencies. All organizational and developmental expenses met by the funds generated by the Authority itself.
Today’s, Lahore is a city of more than about seven million with complex environmental problem and civic needs. The challenges to its beauty and green tradition are bigger than they have ever been through its long and dynamic history. The PHA is working diligently to meet the challenges, and carry the torch of a charming heritage.